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Thanks to virtual reality, you can present your products anywhere in the world without moving them from place to place. Customers and business partners from all over the world can thus attend your presentation. Virtual reality also allows you to display your product to your customers in a more interactive way.

We’ve partnered with renowned polling agency Ipsos, which means Virtuplex offers the amazing option of having customers test your designs in virtual reality.
You can discover how visitors will feel in your new stores; how your employees will find their way around in new offices, or you can set up focus groups on any topic.

Do you want to present your product in virtual reality?

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21. june 2024

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29. may 2024

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1. december 2023

Mobile Virtuplex Travels to Customers Around the World

The Virtuplex has visited its clients in Croatia, Hungary, and Slovakia, bringing the singular experience of virtual reality to them, and Procter&Gamble now regularly uses this service.

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17. july 2023

Virtuplex Presented at Karlovy Vary International Film Festival

Festival goers could tour projects we’re putting together with our client Tatra Mountain Resorts.

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Meet the selected clients who run virtual reality projects with us.